PREPPING is the term used to describe the process of preparing your family for any period where utilities and/or amenities may not be available. Being able to "run to the grocery store on a whim" is considered an amenity. Prepping can be anything from having 2 or 3 weeks of groceries/living supplies safely stored away, all the way to years of groceries and living supplies stored away to prepare for a major catastrophe.
FOOD PRESERVATION is one of the key skills needed when a person decides to start prepping. The next and most important key to prepping is stockpiling anything and everything else you may need for survival. People often wrongly assume that having cupboards full of food will help them survive easily, yet it's often the little things that can be life threatening. A splinter in your finger. A broken bone. A twisted ankle. All these can be put your life in danger if you are inadequately prepared with other survival items. These items vary from Baking Soda to water treatment tablets to alcohol to matches to animal food. .
SEE THE IMAGE link above for an article about one family that embarked on a major prepping journey. Their experience will help you determine what items you and/or your family will need to prepare for a major catastrophe..