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Beneficial Insect Crops and Management

seven spotted ladybug 77WHEN CREATING a sustainable farming operation, it's important to understand the role beneficial insects will play.  There is a very simple natural balance.  For every harmful insect there is an equal beneficial insect.  This balance is destroyed when mankind interferes with genetically modified insects and when non-indidgenous insects are introduced into an environment. 

WITHIN A sustainable farming operation, beneficial insects can fulfill three roles.  First, as pest control and 2nd, as...

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Beneficial Insect Crops

IT IS RELATIVELY easy to purchase and raise the beneficial insects you want in your garden. There are three main reasons to raise beneficial insects.  As mentioned on the Beneficial Insect Management, you can raise beneficial insects to protect your organic garden from pests. 

INSECTS CAN also be raised as a food crop.  Not a human food crop (unless you're iSoldier Fly Compost Binnto that sort of thing) but for...

Read more: Beneficial Insect Crops

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